Sunday, March 14, 2021

Kindred Spirits


Our friends at Nova Scotia Forest Notes have done a post on Annapolis Waterkeepers, comparing our dilemma with Boat Harbour in the context of Environmental Justice.  It's worth reading!  It concludes with the following wisdom:

... few of us, I think, have wondered where all those materials go when we see older houses (some of them not-so old), concrete parking lots and office buildings disappear, literally within a day or two.

Many of us have probably  tacitly assumed that just as HRM has been a leader in composting and recycling (with a good push in that direction in the 1990s from pesky environmentalists), it is taking appropriate care to dispose of such materials without adverse effects on environment or people.

But, apparently, it isn’t.

That’s a provincial issue, an HRM issue and an every-one-of-us issue.

If we have learned anything from Boat Harbour, which carried the additional stress and shame of racism,  surely it is that for the sake of both the economy and environmental justice,  such issues are best dealt openly and honestly, and  sooner rather than later.  Much sooner.

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