Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The fleecing of municipalities

I'm reposting this because as of 10/29/24 these 5 appeals are still under consideration....300 days after filing

There is nothing in the Assessment Act that prevents one from appealing a valuation on someone else's property,  In my reviews of Environmental Assessments by the business-friendly Minister of the Environment, I noticed that the property valuations and taxes were surprisingly low.

So I started with a list of 56 Environmental Assessments completed from 2018 to 2023.  One was withdrawn.  I got values, tax and acreage from Viewpoint.  I probably wasn't perfect, but there's a pattern!  It was tedious, so I completed these 30 records.  Click a marker for more detail:

Here are some totals for the 30:

Projected Revenue per year$805,829,500
Lifetime Revenue$24,091,640,808
Likely 2% annual commercial tax$15,737,922
Current Assessment$102,032,249
Actual Current Tax$160,209
Annual revenue loss$15,577,713

I picked 5 and submitted my appeals:

Property Valuation Services Corporation gives you a month to submit your appeal.  Then you wait.

I asked the status by email (inquiries@PVSC.ca) in June and got this reply.

Robert Andrews <RobertAndrews@pvsc.ca>
Thu, Jul 4, 11:59 AM

Mr. Reed.

Thank you for your note below which appears to have been cc’d to me.

I confirm that you can expect to receive correspondence respecting your appeals shortly.

Robert W. Andrews, Senior Legal Counsel

To have a routine inquiry answered by the Senior Legal Counsel is a bit of a surprise.  How did it get routed to him?

Two more months.  I called in early September and was told they'e still in process.  That inspired me to write the Federation of Municipalities, who are missing $15.7 million a year:

From: Warren Reed <wcreedh@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Subject: PVSC
To: Juanita <jspencer@nsfm.ca>
CC: <dcoffey@nsfm.ca>, <mlake@nsfm.ca>, <wpetite@nsfm.ca>

Dear Juanita,
A friend suggested that you might be interested in my appeal to PVSC on the improper method of valuation of properties that have an Environmental Assessment.  Truly, Municipalities are being hoodwinked on a major source of revenue.  My 5 appeals are attached, but there are hundreds more.  I have had no response........
Gus Reed

I received a puzzling reply:

Juanita Spencer jspencer@nsfm.ca

Wed, Sep 11, 3:41 PM
to Danimlake@nsfm.caWesleyme
Hi Warren,

Thank you for your email and for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Apologies for my delay in acknowledging your email, I was away on vacation.

Kind regards,

Juanita Spencer, MPA| Chief Executive Officer


You'd think that the possibility of a $15.7 million windfall might interest the Federation of Municipalities, but I heard nothing more.

So what's up?  Clearly I'm right and it has thrown PVSC into a swivet.  The Minister of Environment and Climate Change has been handing out valuable permits to his pals like Halloween treats.  PVSC turned a blind eye.  Their  own website says they use a particular set of data for income generating properties:

Income Approach
We typically use the Income Approach for properties whose value is based on their ability to generate revenue, like apartments, office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, and manufactured home parks.
We collect and analyze detailed income and expense information for your property and compare it to similar properties to determine how much income your property could be expected to generate. Then we analyze the relationship between income and sales prices to calculate the capitalization rate.
This has gone on for years, costing taxpayers tens of millions.  What a mess!  PVSC screwed up, NSECC screwed up, permit holders are on the hook bigtime.  They're scrambling for a solution.  

And the solution they want means more taxes for you. Somebody should make good.  
  • PVSC for improper and invalid methods
  • Owners for the free ride they've had at public expense
  • NSECC for giving away pollution permits
I hope this draws the ire of voters..........

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